
Thursday, 1 October 2009

It's a beautiful day today in Sydney

The sun's nice and bright. There's a slight breeze. And it's very hot. Yep. It feels more like a summer day than spring, but that's just fine with me.

As you can see below, I finished reading the first Dexter book. Wow! It was such a cool read. I enjoyed it so much, and was surprised at just how different the overall story ended up being to the TV show. Especially the ending. Seriously, very cool. After reading the blurb for the second book, I think the only thread in that one might be the Doakes situation. I'll have to wait and see, huh?

Well, since I finished the second draft of Alyce's final story yesterday afternoon, today was free for other things. I wrote and posted my Dexter review, answered and emailed in some interview questions, and even wrote a new blurb for BOUNDLESS. It needs a little revision, but that shouldn't take long. The original blurb I'd written just didn't capture the story as well as it should. I'll have to pass it on during the edits. Still have a few other things to do - write and post another book review, fill out a form, and stuff an envelope full of promo stuff. Maybe I can split that up between today and tomorrow... although I want to send the snail mail stuff out tomorrow morning, to beat the weekend. :)

Okay. I've got about 40 minutes until I have to leave to pick my daughter up from school. What can I squeeze into that short time? See ya!

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