
Friday, 26 June 2009


I didn't make any new book videos yesterday. LOL. But I woke up with an idea for another one. Isn't that weird? Honestly, I'm now waking up with vid ideas as well. As if my muse doesn't already (constantly) bug my brain with story ideas.

Maybe I'll make it later. I'll see how I go.

Did I mention that we really enjoyed the TRANSFORMERS movie? Well, we did. I've been reading some very mixed and/or negative reviews about it, but I had a lot of fun watching it. I thought that in between all of that action and robot fighting (which was awesome, btw!) there was a good mix of everything else - humour, romance, surprises, sadness... and a lot of FUN! But, that's just me. :)

So, you know I'm not supposed to be writing anything at the moment, right? I've actually been enjoying the rest of the week off from writing/revising, but have still delved into other creative things. Well, yesterday, I opened up a Word doc and got writing. By the time I was finished, the prologue and first chapter of a YA idea that I've got was out on the screen in front of me. And this morning, I added some more.

I'm now sitting @ 4,336 words.

I honestly thought that opening up the Word doc would let me get a feel of the story, see if it would go anywhere or not. Well, it's going somewhere. With every new word I type, more about the heroine and her harsh world becomes clear. I better take some notes before everything fades away...

Now, I'm not sure what I'm going to work on next month. Today, I'll have to sit down with a calendar and figure it out. I have to split the month into - daughter still at school for 2 weeks, and daughter on school holidays for 2 weeks. I was originally thinking two lots of revision, but now I'm not so sure. :/

Anyway. It's Friday, so I'm not going to worry about stuff. ;)

Have a great weekend!

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