
Thursday, 4 June 2009

A drawing of me...

<--- This cute picture was made by my daughter over the weekend. She actually made it on Photoshop, so I was pretty impressed. I didn't even know she could use it this way. Lol. I mean, I know she makes movies using photos (after I started making book videos) but this is super cute!

I told her I'd post it on my blog sometime this week, so here it is. :)

We stayed up a little later than usual last night so we could watch the State of Origin. Between the ref making mistakes, and the Blues (NSW) stuffing up every chance they got, you could see that the Maroons (QLD) were going to win. It's a shame, but it's been the same way for years now. NSW just can't get it right.

Oh well, there are still two games to go. Maybe they'll win those and surprise everyone. Or not. :/ We'll see.

Well, I spent most of my writing day yesterday working on UC. As I mentioned yesterday, I didn't get writing right away, I went back several chapters and read from there. That turned out to be a great move because when I added the missing chapter, it wound up fitting better in another spot - not between last chapter and epilogue. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and the epilogue only needed a few alterations here and there. Now, I'm going to try and stay away from it for a bit.

The final word count for the first draft is 78,447. Pretty happy with that. It'll change during revision.

So, what's next for me? I've got a few new projects that I'd like to tackle, but I think I'll take today and tomorrow off from any new writing. I'm going to collect some more picture inspiration for these new projects and write a bunch of notes down. It'll be fun to let my mind wander for a bit, let things fit together before I commit to any writing next week. :)

Well, have a great day!

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