
Friday, 24 April 2009

Friday ramblings...

Well, today I've got a doctor's appointment, so I dropped hubby off at work this morning. He starts at 6am, so while we were driving there, it was still dark. Actually, it wasn't until my daughter and I were about halfway back that the sun hit the sky. It was a little freaky. But we need the car to get to the appointment.

So, my revision progress isn't that great today. I stopped @ page 382/430. Better than nothing, I suppose. Still, it would have been awesome to pass the 400-page mark. :) Maybe on Monday I'll aim to have the whole thing finished. We'll see what happens.

Oh, going to the doctor means that my daughter and I will probably pop into the shopping centre nearby, and then head out to pick hubby up again. Of course, that means eating lunch there. I don't like eating at shopping centres. The food always seems even worse than usual. Not sure why. Fast food is just something I don't enjoy much anymore - unless it's our fave Chinese place - so, I've decided to take a sandwich with me. Lol. How mum-like is that? Hubby and I were laughing about it this morning. It'll be the best option, though. My daughter can get some McDonald's and I'll eat my sandwich. She hardly eats it that much anymore, either... so it'll be a bit of a treat.

Sorry about the rant, it just made me laugh at myself. :D

Last night I read the first 150 pages of EXTRAS. It's interesting and I like Aya. But she's no Tally. :( Anyway, I'll have more on that once I finish it and post a little review. Heee. Heee.

Okay, I gotta get going now. Need to start getting ready to leave. After all, I've got a sandwich to make. ;) Have a great weekend!

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