
Wednesday, 31 December 2008

It's the last day of the year!

Yep. Another year is coming to a close. It feels a little strange with it being in the middle of the week. Oh well.

I'm not going to recap or list what I've achieved this year. To be honest, I can't be bothered. Lol. I did a LOT. Lots of eBooks released, my first print release, wrote a lot, revised even more, read a bunch of books, and even managed to squeeze in some rewrites. Phew. See? No wonder I don't want to list everything individually. ;)

I achieved a lot of things that I wanted to, but also ran out of time with others. There's just not enough hours in the day, or days in the week. Lol.

Still, I'm not going to make any real goals for 2009 either. There are a few things I would like to do - continue writing novels, keep reading at a good pace, drink more water, keep working out and walking daily. That type of thing. Not a bunch of specific things, although I do intend to start a list behind-the-scenes. I would also like to change the focus and direction of my writing a little next year.

Anyway. Today I'm working on a revision/re-write novella. I've got about 10 pages left of the currently written material to finish up, before I get stuck into the additions. I'm going to add a new POV, re-work the ending to include more story, and even add an epilogue. It's going to be fun. I'm enjoying it so far. Can't wait to see where it goes. So far I've added 3,300+ words to the original draft.

I've been doing a lot of re-writes lately, huh? It just seems to me like a lot of the stories I'm writing lately want to be longer stories. Which is fine with me.

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