
Friday, 30 May 2008

My head hurts

Well, last night I went to bed with a headache... and woke up with it. I took some headache tablets for it this morning, but you know, it's still kinda hovering around. I hate it when you can't shake a headache completely.

Still, it didn't stop me from doing things.

Last night I finished the 40k BIAM novella. Yay! The final word count is 42,198. Pretty happy with that, especially since I've decided it's going to be a two-part thing and already know what the main storyline's going to be about. I enjoyed these two characters and their world a lot. It'll be nice to spend some more time with them. But I won't be writing it yet, though I should write down a few things so I don't forget. :/

Anyway, all I'd like to do now is write a short synopsis for it and send it away. Yep. Hopefully I can (at least) get the first draft of that written later on. Have I mentioned that I don't like writing the (dreaded) synopsis. :(

What do you guys have planned for the weekend? We've got a dentist appointment. The hubby, daughter and I are all booked in for our six-month check up. Can't say it's a fun thing to do, but I always feel much better afterward. I think it's important to take care of your teeth. I've got a thing about teeth. Lol. Then we're hoping to take it easy. Just enjoy another relaxing weekend, like the one we had last week.

I picked up some books today: Night Child by Jes Battis, Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine, and The Man with the Golden Torc by Simon R Green. I remember reading a little about Night Child a few weeks ago, and I was so intrigued I couldn't help but pick it up. Feast of Fools is the fourth Morganville Vampires book... do I need to say anything more? LOVE the series! And TMwtGT is the first in a new series by Simon R Green. I absolutely adore the Nightside series, so I had to pick this one up, too.

Anyway. That's it for me. I gotta head out soon. Fridays are a little bit hectic for me. Have a great weekend!

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