
Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Some stuff

Just introduced my daughter to the local library. Man, it's been so long since I've stepped anywhere near a library. I used to love going when I was a kid, it's how I got stuck into reading. But I've gotten so used to buying the books I want to read, that stepping into a library didn't enter the equation. Anyway. My daughter was impressed, so that's cool.

Remember the dilemma I had yesterday? To revise on paper or computer? Yeah, well, I solved it last night. Even though I'd already revised the first 40 pages, I went back to the beginning. And you know what? Using the lappy just feels right. I found my groove very quickly, and the same thing happened today. So, I'm currently sitting at 71/252 pages. Yeah, the page and word count has already gone up. :/ Still, it's all good. I've once again found the reason why I enjoyed writing this tale so much in the first place.

Strange, strange. :)

Anyway, that's it for today. I hope everyone's having an awesome week so far. I'm not as tired as I was yesterday, but still feeling a little sluggish. Of course, with the amount of walks I do every single day, it's really not surprising. Walking is great for the heart and the soul. ;)

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