
Tuesday, 10 April 2007


This is Sookie book #6. I'm about a year behind because I wait for the paperback release... but if there's a series that deserves hardback editions, it's this one. Sookie Stackhouse never disappoints, IMHO. It's just that for me to buy the hardback edition, it would cost me $50. That's my whole monthly book budget on one book! And when you buy as many books as I do, yikes! That's just too much. Besides, I like to keep my series books in the same format. :)

Anyway, enough about that, let's talk about the book. It was excellent! I started it on Sunday and finished it yesterday because I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. It was a lovely ride, and I'm really liking Quinn. I really hope he's a keeper for Sookie, I think they make a nice couple and who doesn't like tigers?

I really, really enjoyed this one and can't wait to see whay happens in the next one... one year from now! Also looking forward to seeing what they do with the HBO show.

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