
Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Back to school!

4am seems to be some kind of bizarre trend. Yeah, woke up at around 4ish again early this morning... except this time I ignored the stirring of wakefulness and forced myself back to sleep. It worked too! Yoga helped too. It's amazing how much easier it is to get through the day when you start out with yoga. Cool.

So my daughter was back at school today. Surprisingly, I missed the little bugger. But she did take in her Sight Words 3 book and aced it! How cool is that? I'm very proud of her. She got them all on her first go and got three BUGS from her teacher. She worked really hard to learn these.

On this very cold and windy day, I got started on the last revision of magic. At least I hope it's the last read of it before I get stuck into the synopsis! :/ I got through exactly 100 pages. I was aiming for 120 because if I tackle that many a day, I can be done by Friday. But that's okay. I'm fixing up some technical things I've learned along the way and a few flawed words that now don't sound as good as when I initially passed it onto my hubby. It's going well because I'm actually enjoying the story and the characters. Plus I'm finding that re-reading this again is not only strengthening the novel, but helping me connect to the story on a deeper level. And that, is terrific for the sequel I want to write. One important thing has already clicked, so that's very cool.

Last night I got a chance to sit down and read some more of Kitty Goes to Washington, and WOW! About 100 pages in now and absolutely lovin' it! This character's great and I'm really enjoying the new people being introduced too. Can't wait to read some more tonight. Hopefully, fingers crossed.

Well, better get started on those take-home-reader books my daughter's got for tonight! 'Bye.

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